Thursday, October 6, 2011

A few more Halloween pics...

So I took a few more pictures of the Halloween decor in the kitchen.

 The cake stand it the one I painted a while back... and added orange pom pom trim.  The bottles I got at the DI...(the purple ones) and then I found some labels online.  (I had to paint them with a little ink/paint/water combo to make them not so bright white.)
 This is a little bit of a bird's eye view....looking down.  It's hard to see the black twigs because they are black... but they are in an antique mason jar filled with black beans.  The clock is an old clock I bought from a garage sale...(it didn't work and they wanted $1 for it...I have a thing for clocks) so I thought I'd add a few vinyl bats on the front and make the clock read 12 o'clock.
 Here's Hank.  The raven.  He's hanging around in his cage.  (Also hard to get a picture of.)
And just another view of the bottles.  (The 2 in the middle are empty Watkins Vanilla bottles that I kept, and the taller one in the back I got from the DI for $1.50, added a label and then painted it with a little  ink/mod worked well to look like an old bottle.

So there's the kitchen Halloween decor.  Still working on the mantle...(it's just not falling into place this year...not sure what's up.)  Going to be working on the front door too.

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